+44 (0)20 774 671 514


My life has been transformed since you performed surgery to replace my hip, almost four years ago.
– From a verified patient from United Kingdom –
Today I am celebrating the anniversary of the hip replacement surgery, which you performed on me. I write you, on this happy occasion, to express my endearing gratitude for the patience, professionalism, and care that you exercised before, during, and following the surgery. I continue carry the memory of the conversations with your good self, and I am very grateful for the explanations and reassurances before and after the surgery, which you provided. you kindly informed me of the outcome shortly after the operation. May I also express, through you, my sincerest thanks to each person on the ward, the nurses, caregivers, those who brought the food and even the cleaning staff, each of which displayed great kindness and understanding. My experience at was exceptional, and I have shared that fact with friends and acquaintances on two continents. I hope, one day, that I will have the honour to meet you and to thank you, once again, in person. You are truly an honour to your profession and to our United Kingdom.
– From a verified patient from United Kingdom –

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